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Gmail Phishing Page 2020 Free Download


Gmail Phishing Page Free Download

This tutorial Gmail Phishing is for educational purposes only. Do not misuse. If misused, you will be shut down by the government. Be careful and be safe. It just has to understand the reality behind phishing.

If you already read my article on phishing , just do the same process. Just replace duplicate login page files from this post for Gmail code. If you don't read Facebook Phishing yet to read the full tutorial below .. Or click here to read Facebook Phishing.


Step 1 - Register a Free Webhost (This is required to hold your phishing page codes for future use).

Step 2 - Click here to Register free webhost.

Step 3 - Sign up with Email , Password and Choose one name for your website.

Step 4 - After sign up simply click I'm a Pro and close all popup windows which says to upgrade.

Step 5 - Now Go to your Email and Confirm your email from confirmation mail.

Step 6 - Now Download Gmail-Phishing.zip file. And extract it. (Gmail Phishing Page Free Download)

Step 7 - After extracting the files you will get 5 files which are list below,

• index.html - index page

Step 8 - Now head over to Free Webhost which we registered before and click File Manager in webhost.

Step 9 - Then, click upload files icon.

Step 10 - Upload all files (which we extracted in step 7) to the webhost.

Step 11 - All done. Gmail Phishing site is ready. Send your phishing website link to victim when they login in page one (email page) it will redirect to page two (password page) then finally it logged in there gmail. Behind the scene we got there credentials (Email and password) in 2 seperate files in our webhost file manager.


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