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 how to install wire shark in Android via Termux 

In this article i am going to guide you how to install wire shark in android using Termux application.  

Wireshark Tool :

Wireshark is an open source free tool and this is the worlds foremost and widely used networking protocol analyzer. Wireshark, formerly known as Ethereal can be used to see what's happening on your network at a microscopic level. wire shark will typically display information in three 3 panels.

Wireshark used standard across many commercial and non-profit enterprises, educational institutions, government agencies and ethical hackers and also black hat hackers to capture sensitive information such as user ID, passwords, cookies, admin panel etc.This tool comes pre-installed in Kali Linux operating system.And also we can download it for windows and can use it.

Install Wireshark in Termux :

We can install and use Wireshark networking tool in our android device using Termux terminal emulator.so follow these steps to install Wireshark in Termux.

First download and install Termux application from Google Play Store and open it.Now update terminal using apt update command after the updating termux find your android device architecture

To find your android device architecture type this command : uname -m or dpkg --print-architecture

There are 2 types of architecture :

  • ARM
  • Aarch

procedure for aarch64/armv8I/armv8 Devices to install wire shark :

  • first update termux usingapt updatecommand
  • install wget package usingapt install wgetcommand

  • simply copy and paste this command in your termuxwget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hax4us/Hax4us.github.io/master/sources-aarch64.list.txt

  • Now rename it using commandmv sources-aarch64.list.txt sources.list
  • paste these command one by one mv sources.list $PREFIX/etc/apt
  • wget https://xeffyr.github.io/termux-x-repository/pubkey.gpg
  • apt install gnupg gnupg2 && apt-key add pubkey.gpg -y
  • apt update -y
  • Now install wire shark usingaptcommandapt install wireshark

procedure for arm/armv5/armv5I/armv7/armv7I/armhf Devices to install wire shark :

  • first update termux usingapt updatecommand
  • install wget package usingapt install wgetcommand
  • simply copy and paste this command in your termuxwget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hax4us/Hax4us.github.io/master/sources-arm.list.txt
  • Now rename it using commandmv sources-arm.list.txt sources.list
  • paste these command one by one mv sources.list $PREFIX/etc/apt
  • wget https://xeffyr.github.io/termux-x-repository/pubkey.gpg
  • apt install gnupg gnupg2 && apt-key add pubkey.gpg -y
  • apt update -y
  • Now install wire shark using apt commandapt install wireshark

Now everything is Done. If you want more termux tutorials then you guys can find out in our blog menu and posts.

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