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How to Become an Ethical Hacker | Nur Tech Solution|

How to Become a Hacker

1. First Step – Learn More about Computers and Networks

Tip: You Must be read for kali-linux Os. basic for become a hacker. kali-Linux make only for hacking so it's very important before you start hacking

Hacking involves computers and networks. It requires advanced computer knowledge and networking skills. Obviously, you won’t be able to hack a computer if you don’t even know the difference between TCP/IP and Windows XP. To become a hacker, you must know the basics of computer-related technology

It would be best if you’ll expose yourself to different operating systems. More and more people are switching to Linux systems so you should learn the basics of that OS. Once you have mastered the basics of computers and networks, understanding how “exploits” and “vulnerabilities” work will be easy.

How to Become a Hacker

2. Second Step – Read Basic Hacking Books

There are countless hacking books out there.
A basic Google search will give you hundreds of available learning materials. However, since you are new to the hacking world, you should focus on the basic ideas and principles of hacking. It is tempting to grab books about advanced topics such as Wireshark utilization or payload selection, but you won’t benefit from this study method. The ideal learning strategy for a complex concept (like computer hacking) is to master the basics and build up your knowledge and skills slowly.

This Post will cover the basic aspects of hacking. After reading all Post, you’ll be able to attack systems and understand complex ideas related to digital security

How to Become a Hacker

        3. Third Step – Learn How to Program

If you want to be a skilled hacker, you should know how to create your own programs. Programming skills are important for anyone who is serious about hacking. It is true that there are tons of programs and ready-made tools available online. However, relying on other people’s work is not a good idea. The ability to create your own programs and modify existing hacking tools can help you greatly in your quest to become a hacking expert.

There are a lot of
programming languages that you can choose from. But if you are a total newbie, you should study Python first. Python is one of the simplest programming languages out there. However, it is extremely effective in writing codes for hacking purposes. This is the main reason why many hackers prefer this language over C++ or Ruby. You’ll learn more about Python in the next chapter.

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